Welcome       Submission   
1. How does the contest work?
2. When is the deadline to enter my votes?
3. Why doesn't my password work?
4. How often are scores updated?
5. Where can I find the official rules for this contest?
6. To whom do I direct questions not answered on this page?
7. Are there prizes?

How does the contest work?
Option 1: Go online to TheAdvocate.com/RecipeContest, click on the “Submission” tab and follow the provided instructions.
Option 2: Email your recipe, a photo of your dish (optional), your name, phone number, and email address to recipecontest@theadvocate.com
Option 3: Mail your recipe, a photo of your dish (optional), your name, phone number, and email address to the following address:
The Advocate
Thanksgiving Recipe Contest
P.O. Box 588
Baton Rouge, LA 70821

Entries must include name, phone number and email address

When is the deadline to enter my votes?
See the
Welcome Page for contest date/times.

Why doesn't my password work?
If you're having trouble logging in try our
Login Help Page.

Where can I find the official rules for this contest?
See our
Official Rules Page.

To whom do I direct questions not answered on this page?
You can send a comment on our feedback page.

Are there prizes?
Yes, see the winners page for more details.

   Official Rules      Help      Feedback   

Thanksgiving Recipe Contest

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